Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Freud (Stamp from Czech Republic)

Dear readers,

today we bring the image of a stamp issued in the Czech Republic.

Pribor is the birthplace of Sigmund Freud

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Freud (Stamp Marshal Island)

Dear readers,

in this post we present one stamp from the Marshall Island issued about the 20th Century.

The first day circulation of this stamp was April, 15, 1997.

First day cover

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jean Martin Charcot (stamp issued in 1960)

Dear readers,

In this message we bring an image of a stamp issued in 1960 with Jean Martin Charcot.

Jean-Martin Charcot (29 November 1825 – 16 August 1893; English pronunciation: /ʃɑrˈkoʊ/US dict: shâr·kō′) was a French neurologist and professor of anatomical pathology.[1] He is known as "the founder of modern neurology" and is "associated with at least 15 medical eponyms", includingCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neurone disease).[1] Charcot has been referred to as "the father of French neurology and one of the world's pioneers of neurology".[2]
His work greatly influenced the developing fields of neurology and psychology. He was the "foremost neurologist of late nineteenth-century France"[3]and has been called "the Napoleon of the neuroses".[4] 
Charcot with Salpêtiére in the background

Oblitération spéciale 1er jour à Paris
Premier jour le 11 juin 1960
Vente générale le 13 juin 1960
Retiré de la vente le 26 novembre 1960
Valeur faciale : 0,30 F
Affranchissement de la carte postale pour le régime intérieur et de l'imprimé pour l´étranger 1er échelon de poids.
Surtaxe : 0 F 10  au profit de la Croix-Rouge française
Couleur carmin et rouge
Imprimé en taille douce rotative à 50 timbres par feuille
Emis à 1,6 million d´exemplaires
Dessiné par Mazelin,
Gravé par Claude Durrens

First day cover

Colour essay