Sunday, February 14, 2016

4.º Encontro de Psicólogos en el Interior - Uruguay (Tacuarembó)

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you can see the postmark 4.º The Encounter of psychologists en el Interior Uruguay.

Paysandu hosted the 1st. Psychologists Interior Meeting on 23 April 1988. While some departments and groups had their local psychologists, this landmark official the indisputably national character of the -from then in Uruguay Psychologists Coordinator facts-. Delegates who landed from Montevideo got sponsorship on behalf of the CPU to meet with the important goal of expanding the model of union organization that had already taken several steps in the capital. It can be categorized as very successful first edition, if it is weighted to one of the resolutions adopted by the assembly was that the experience was repeated in the same year, in the city of San Jose. The equity maragata Stayed October 1st 2nd Meeting and the major issues that were agreed upon were the need to deepen the professional organization of psychologists of the interior and the "problems" experienced by some cities the fruit of the labor coexistence between residents and psychologists . who travel regularly to work there the third meeting was in La Paloma, Rocha, on 6 and 7 May 1989, where a resolution was reached by unanimous decision: "to create a single national guild of psychologists" and form a commission to develop appropriate statutes. Soon, with the presence of delegates from the groups Tacuarembó, Rocha, Durazno and Flores, San José, Salto and Paysandu, Cerro Largo, Canelones and CPU Montevideo the first meeting of the Committee of Psychologists of Interior was held. the first formal meeting of the new commission was the 6 October 1990, attended by members of San Jose, Durazno, Soriano, Thirty-Three, Cologne and Lavalleja. One of the main tasks that then arose was that psychologists interior will become part of the Executive Bureau of the CPU.

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